- Q-learning: Creating an Agent that learns to play FrozenLake Basic Q-learning trained on the FrozenLake8x8 environment provided by OpenAI's gym toolkit. Includes visualization of our agent training throughout episodes and hyperparameter choices.
- Optimization of the worker system in Black Desert Online Optimizing the worker system in the MMORPG game Black Desert Online. The game contains a complex system of over 300 nodes that form the world map.
- SQLZOO Assessment Answers Solutions for the assessments questions on the SQLZOO website.
- Final Fanasty 15 Comrades Solving the linear programming problem found in Final Fantasy 15 Comrades' weapon upgrade system.
- API Scraping the API and storing in SQL. Currently on hold until the API releases historical data.
- MySQL Employees Sample Database Exploring the MySQL employees sample database to analyze and visualize employee promotions, salaries, and the company budget.
- Warframe alerts Visualizing Warframe alerts over a 2 month period using Python to webscrape and Tableau to visualize.
- Online Retail of Gifts Over One Year Analyzing data of all transactions from a UK-based non-store online retailer which sells unique all-occasion gifts to mainly wholesalers.
- Presidential Approval Ratings Using non-parametric statistics to analyze presidential approval ratings from 1945 to 1974.
- Chicago (2002 film) Time series analysis of movie ticket sales for Chicago (2002 film) from January 3, 2003 to April 18, 2003.
- Petroleum consumption Time series analysis of petroleum consumption (in trillion BTU) by the residential sector in the US (per month) from January 1984 to December 2015.
- Digit recognition Comparison of two algorithms used for image recognition: a simple algorithm and an algorithm based on singular value decomposition (SVD). Data used was handwritten digits from the United States Postal Service (USPS).
- Are Teaching Assistants (TAs) evaluated fairly? Categorical data analysis on teaching assistant (TA) evaluations.
- Is coronary heart disease dependent on age? Logistic regression to determine if age is a significant factor in determining whether someone has coronary heart disease or not.
- Diagnosis of depression in primary care Multiple logistic regression to determine if factors such as gender, age, education, and SF-36 results determine whether a patient will be diagnosed with depression.
Languages: Python for webscraping using packages Selenium, BeautifulSoup, MySQLdb, and data analysis using packages numpy, pandas, re, itertools, igraph, cairo, math, plotnine (ggplot for Python).
Languages: Python for general data analysis and MySQL querying using packages pandas, numpy, scipy.stats, matplotlib, seaborn, MySQLdb. R for statistical testing and modeling using packages dplyr, tseries, forecast, MASS, RMySQL, ResourceSelection.
Software: Tableau Public, MySQL Workbench.
Languages: Python for webscraping using packages MySQLdb, BeautifulSoup, requests, re. Software: Tableau Public.
Languages: R for data analysis using packages dplyr, stringr, ggmap, and custom functions.
Languages: R for data analysis using custom functions.
Languages: R for time series analysis using packages MASS and forecast.
Languages: R for time series analysis using packages MASS and forecast.
Languages: MATLAB, code can be found here.
Languages: R for categorical data analysis using the glm (generalized linear model) function.
Languages: R for categorical data analysis using package ResourceSelection and the glm function for logistic regression.
Languages: R for categorical data analysis using package ResourceSelection and the glm function for multiple logistic regression.