Using scraped data

Now we can analyze.

# Import packages
import MySQLdb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re

# Create connection to MySQL
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host= "localhost",

x = conn.cursor()
pd.options.display.max_rows = 6
# Table 'node' that we obtained from web scraping
node = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM node', con = conn)
0 1 Abandoned Iron Mine 2 Mediah Worker Node 0.0 Abandoned Iron Mine Saunil District, Abandoned...
1 2 Abandoned Iron Mine Entrance 1 Mediah Connection Node NaN Highland Junction, Alumn Rock Valley
2 3 Abandoned Iron Mine Rhutum District 1 Mediah Connection Node NaN Abandoned Iron Mine, Abun
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
356 357 Yalt Canyon 1 Valencia Connection Node NaN Shakatu, Gahaz Bandit's Lair
357 358 Yianaros's Field 1 Kamasylvia Connection Node NaN Western Valtarra Mountains
358 359 Zagam Island 1 Margoria Connection Node NaN Nada Island

359 rows × 7 columns

# Table 'subnode' that we obtained from web scraping
subnode = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM subnode', con = conn)
0 1 Abandoned Iron Mine - Mining.1 3 200 250 Zinc Ore Powder Of Time Platinum Ore None 7.86 1.86 0.95 NaN 1113 2063 NaN Altinova Tarif None
1 2 Abandoned Iron Mine - Mining.2 3 500 100 Iron Ore Powder Of Darkness Rough Black Crystal None 10.53 1.80 1.08 NaN 1113 2063 NaN Altinova Tarif None
2 3 Ahto Farm - Farming.1 2 200 100 Cotton Cotton Yarn None None 12.53 0.85 NaN NaN 702 2000 2325.0 Tarif Heidel Altinova
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
169 170 Weenie Cabin - Gathering.1 2 140 140 Volcanic Umbrella Mushroom Green Pendulous Mushroom None None 7.70 6.90 NaN NaN 1608 3025 6005.0 Grana Old Wisdom Tree Trent
170 171 Weita Island - Fish Drying Yard.1 1 2400 1200 Dried Surfperch Dried Bluefish Dried Maomao Dried Nibbler 3.60 1.80 0.90 0.08 1620 3291 3340.0 Iliya Island Velia Olvia
171 172 Wolf Hills - Lumbering.1 1 150 100 Ash Timber None None None 4.43 NaN NaN NaN 340 1902 NaN Olvia Velia None

172 rows × 19 columns

# Get minimum distance from all 3 distance columns
min_col = subnode[["DISTANCE1", "DISTANCE2", "DISTANCE3"]].idxmin(axis=1)

# Get corresponding closest city from minimum distance
min_city = []
min_dist = []
for x, i in zip(min_col, range(len(min_col))):
    num ='\d', x).group(0)
    min_city.append(subnode.iloc[i, :]["CITY" + str(num)])
    min_dist.append(subnode.iloc[i, :][x])

# New columns that we will join onto 'node'
subnode["MIN_DIST"] = min_dist
subnode["MIN_CITY"] = min_city
# Take the names from 'subnode' and cut off the ending to obtain the main node name
subnode["NODE_NAME"] = subnode["NAME"]
for name, i in zip(subnode["NODE_NAME"], range(np.shape(subnode)[0])):
    name = re.split(' - ', name)[0][i, "NODE_NAME"] = name
# Left-joining onto node to include distance and city information for worker nodes
node_dist = pd.merge(node, subnode[["NODE_NAME", "MIN_DIST", "MIN_CITY"]].drop_duplicates("NODE_NAME"), how = "left", left_on = "NAME", right_on = "NODE_NAME")
0 1 Abandoned Iron Mine 2 Mediah Worker Node 0.0 Abandoned Iron Mine Saunil District, Abandoned... Abandoned Iron Mine 1113.0 Altinova
1 2 Abandoned Iron Mine Entrance 1 Mediah Connection Node NaN Highland Junction, Alumn Rock Valley NaN NaN NaN
2 3 Abandoned Iron Mine Rhutum District 1 Mediah Connection Node NaN Abandoned Iron Mine, Abun NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
356 357 Yalt Canyon 1 Valencia Connection Node NaN Shakatu, Gahaz Bandit's Lair NaN NaN NaN
357 358 Yianaros's Field 1 Kamasylvia Connection Node NaN Western Valtarra Mountains NaN NaN NaN
358 359 Zagam Island 1 Margoria Connection Node NaN Nada Island NaN NaN NaN

359 rows × 10 columns


Visualizing our node system.

# Import packages
import itertools
import igraph

# Create graph
g = igraph.Graph()
# Generates unnamed vertices for graph
# Generates edges for graph
g.vs["name"] = node["NAME"]
for name, x, cp in zip(node_dist["NAME"], node_dist["CONNECTIONS"], node_dist["CP"]):
    # Splits the connections from 'node' into parts
    conn = re.split(', ', x)
    n_conn = len(conn)
    # Adds edges between main node and its connections
    g.add_edges(zip(itertools.repeat(name, n_conn), conn))

# Adding vertex attributes
g.vs["name"] = node["NAME"]
g.vs["area"] = node["AREA"]
g.vs["type"] = node["TYPE"]
g.vs["cp"] = node["CP"]
# Checking to see if our graph has the correct number of vertices and edges
IGRAPH UN-T 359 886 -- 
+ attr: area (v), cp (v), name (v), type (v)
# Import cairo to display igraph
import cairo
layout = g.layout_kamada_kawai()

# Dictionaries defining visual styling for the graph
size_dict = {"Connection Node": 6, "Town Node": 25, "Worker Node": 7}
shape_dict = {"Connection Node" : "rectangle", "Town Node" : "triangle-up", "Worker Node" : "circle"}
color_dict = {"Balenos" : igraph.RainbowPalette(len(set(node["AREA"])))[0],
              "Calpheon" : igraph.RainbowPalette(len(set(node["AREA"])))[1],
              "Kamasylvia" : igraph.RainbowPalette(len(set(node["AREA"])))[2],
              "Margoria" : igraph.RainbowPalette(len(set(node["AREA"])))[3],
              "Mediah" : igraph.RainbowPalette(len(set(node["AREA"])))[4],
              "Serendia" : igraph.RainbowPalette(len(set(node["AREA"])))[5],
              "Valencia" : igraph.RainbowPalette(len(set(node["AREA"])))[6]}
label_size_dict = {"Connection Node": 8, "Town Node": 13, "Worker Node": 8}
label_dist_dict = {"Connection Node": 2, "Town Node": 1, "Worker Node": 2}

# Configure visual styling and plot
visual_style = {}
visual_style["vertex_size"] = [size_dict[type_] for type_ in g.vs["type"]]
visual_style["vertex_shape"] = [shape_dict[type_] for type_ in g.vs["type"]]
visual_style["vertex_color"] = [color_dict[area] for area in g.vs["area"]]
visual_style["vertex_label"] = g.vs["name"]
visual_style["vertex_label_size"] = [label_size_dict[type_] for type_ in g.vs["type"]]
visual_style["vertex_label_dist"] = [label_dist_dict[type_] for type_ in g.vs["type"]]
visual_style["edge_curved"] = False
visual_style["layout"] = layout
visual_style["bbox"] = (2000, 2000)
visual_style["margin"] = 20
### Plot without saving
igraph.plot(g, **visual_style)

### Saves to file "node_map.png"
# igraph.plot(g, "node_map.png", **visual_style)


Calculate value of each subnode

Using the worker mechanics explained by Black Desert Analytics I can determine a value for each subnode given some worker.

Thus, the total time taken for a worker to finish one cycle is given by: png

For crates we have: png

# Import packages
import MySQLdb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
import math

# Create connection to MySQL
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host= "localhost",

x = conn.cursor()

pd.options.display.max_rows = 6
# Table 'node' that we obtained from web scraping
node = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM node', con = conn)

# Table 'subnode' that we obtained from web scraping
subnode = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM subnode', con = conn)

# Table 'prices' that we obtained from web scraping
prices = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM prices', con = conn)
# Worker dictionary containing 4 types of workers
# Workers except Default are base artisan-level workers
worker_dict = {'Default' : {'Name' : 'Default', 'Workspeed' : 100, 'Movespeed' : 4.25, 'Stamina' : 23},
               'Goblin' : {'Name' : 'Goblin', 'Workspeed' : 150, 'Movespeed' : 7.5, 'Stamina' : 15},
               'Human' : {'Name' : 'Human', 'Workspeed' : 105, 'Movespeed' : 4.5, 'Stamina' : 23},
               'Giant' : {'Name' : 'Giant', 'Workspeed' : 95, 'Movespeed' : 3.75, 'Stamina' : 35}}

# Calculate worker profits/gains for each node and put it in the subnode dataframe
items = subnode[["ITEM1", "ITEM2", "ITEM3", "ITEM4"]]
yields = subnode[["YIELD1", "YIELD2", "YIELD3", "YIELD4"]]
total_profits_user_avg_list = []
total_profits_rec_list = []
for i in range(len(subnode)):
    workload = subnode.iloc[i, :]["CURRENT_WORKLOAD"]
    total_profits_user_avg = 0
    total_profits_rec = 0
    for item, yield_ in zip(items.iloc[i, :], yields.iloc[i, :]):
        # If the item and yield exists (i.e. is not None)
        if(item and yield_):
            user_item_price = int(prices[prices["ITEM"] == item]["USER_AVERAGE"])
            recent_item_price = int(prices[prices["ITEM"] == item]["RECENT_VALUE"])
            total_profits_user_avg += yield_ * user_item_price
            total_profits_rec += yield_ * recent_item_price

# Profits generated per worker cycle
# We want to standardize this to profit per hour
profit = subnode[["SUBNODE_ID", "NAME", "CP", "BASE_WORKLOAD", "CURRENT_WORKLOAD", "MIN_DIST"]].copy()
profit["PROFITS_USER_AVG"] = total_profits_user_avg_list
profit["PROFITS_REC"] = total_profits_rec_list
# Calculate per hour income for each worker
# Pass arguments as worker_profit(**worker_dict['WORKER'])
def get_cycle_time(Workload, Workspeed, Distance, Movespeed):
    # Return time in minutes
    return(((math.ceil(Workload / Workspeed) * 600) + (Distance / Movespeed) * 2) / 60)
hourly_profit_dict = {}
# Calculates hourly profit for all subnodes for one worker
def get_hourly_profit(Name, Workspeed, Movespeed, Stamina):
    hourly_profit_user_list = []
    hourly_profit_rec_list = []
    for workload, distance, user, recent in zip(profit["CURRENT_WORKLOAD"],
        # Cycle time in minutes
        cycle_time = get_cycle_time(workload, Workspeed, distance, Movespeed)
        cycles_per_hour = 60 / cycle_time
        hourly_profit_user = cycles_per_hour * user
        hourly_profit_rec = cycles_per_hour * recent
    hourly_profit_dict[Name + '_hourly_profit_user'] = hourly_profit_user_list
    hourly_profit_dict[Name + '_hourly_profit_rec'] = hourly_profit_rec_list
# Loop that gets hourly profit for all workers
for worker in worker_dict:

# Writes our dictionary with worker profits into our 'profit' dataframe
for col in hourly_profit_dict:
    profit[col] = hourly_profit_dict[col]

Using plotnine and ggplot

Similar to R’s ggplot2

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from plotnine import *
import warnings
SUBNODE_ID NAME CP BASE_WORKLOAD CURRENT_WORKLOAD MIN_DIST PROFITS_USER_AVG PROFITS_REC Default_hourly_profit_user Default_hourly_profit_rec Goblin_hourly_profit_user Goblin_hourly_profit_rec Human_hourly_profit_user Human_hourly_profit_rec Giant_hourly_profit_user Giant_hourly_profit_rec TYPE
0 1 Abandoned Iron Mine - Mining.1 3 200 250 1113 13732.70 16304.87 21274.839004 25259.671021 33028.941742 39215.347408 21544.619407 25579.981987 20654.127674 24522.698864 Mining
1 2 Abandoned Iron Mine - Mining.2 3 500 100 1113 12188.25 14125.41 39045.273241 45250.999372 48926.962533 56703.251561 40083.160780 46453.845311 24463.481267 28351.625781 Mining
2 3 Ahto Farm - Farming.1 2 200 100 702 11028.27 13413.30 42673.882398 51902.754173 50434.161585 61341.310976 43532.644737 52947.236842 25217.080793 30670.655488 Farming
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
169 170 Weenie Cabin - Gathering.1 2 140 140 1608 9022.60 11337.80 16600.021645 20859.588745 31572.083981 39673.483670 16964.498607 21317.590529 15786.041991 19836.741835 Gathering
170 171 Weita Island - Fish Drying Yard.1 1 2400 1200 1620 14364.32 15288.86 6494.506383 6912.516489 9883.706422 10519.857798 6529.236364 6949.481818 5968.554017 6352.711911 Fish
171 172 Wolf Hills - Lumbering.1 1 150 100 340 2387.77 2613.70 11310.489474 12380.684211 12445.905405 13623.532819 11444.341420 12527.201183 6222.952703 6811.766409 Lumbering

172 rows × 17 columns

# Get subnode type from its name
type_list = []
for name in profit['NAME']:
    type_ = re.split(' - ', name)[1]
    type_ ='\w+', type_).group(0)
profit['TYPE'] = type_list
# Density plot of subnode cycle profits
profit_cycle = pd.melt(profit[["PROFITS_USER_AVG", "PROFITS_REC", "TYPE"]], id_vars = ['TYPE'])
(ggplot(profit_cycle, aes('value', color = 'variable'))
      + geom_density())


<ggplot: (-9223371918799307355)>
# Comparison of subnode cycle profits vs CP cost for different types of subnode materials
(ggplot(profit, aes(x = 'CP', y = 'PROFITS_USER_AVG', color = 'factor(TYPE)'))
+ geom_point()
+ stat_smooth(method='lm')
+ facet_wrap('~TYPE'))
# We see there is a general increasing trend: the more CP the subnode costs, the greater the profit
# For Excavation the sample size is too small, and Fish is a special case with only 1CP subnode costs


<ggplot: (118055225103)>
# Density plot of hourly profit for each worker type
profit_hourly = pd.melt(profit[["Default_hourly_profit_user", "Goblin_hourly_profit_user",
                                "Human_hourly_profit_user", "Giant_hourly_profit_user", "TYPE"]], id_vars = ['TYPE'])
(ggplot(profit_hourly, aes('value', color = 'variable'))
      + geom_density())
# Giants make the least per hour and goblins make the most, as expected


<ggplot: (-9223371918799641333)>

Working in worker stamina for extended periods of time

One point of worker stamina is consumed per cycle of work completed.

# Calculate per hour income for each worker
# Pass arguments as worker_profit(**worker_dict['WORKER'])
def get_cycle_time(Workload, Workspeed, Distance, Movespeed):
    # Return time in minutes
    return(((math.ceil(Workload / Workspeed) * 600) + (Distance / Movespeed) * 2) / 60)
# Calculate stamina usage
worker_exhaust_dict = {}
def get_worker_exhaust(Name, Workspeed, Movespeed, Stamina):
    worker_exhaust_list = []
    for workload, distance in zip(profit["CURRENT_WORKLOAD"], profit["MIN_DIST"]):
        # Cycle time in minutes
        cycle_time = get_cycle_time(workload, Workspeed, distance, Movespeed)
        # Time until zero stamina in minutes
        zero_stamina_time = cycle_time * Stamina
        zero_stamina_time_hr = zero_stamina_time / 60
    worker_exhaust_dict[Name + '_zero_stam'] = worker_exhaust_list
# Loop that gets stamina usage for all workers
for worker in worker_dict:

# Writes our dictionary with worker profits into our 'profit' dataframe
for col in worker_exhaust_dict:
    profit[col] = worker_exhaust_dict[col]
SUBNODE_ID NAME CP BASE_WORKLOAD CURRENT_WORKLOAD MIN_DIST PROFITS_USER_AVG PROFITS_REC Default_hourly_profit_user Default_hourly_profit_rec Goblin_hourly_profit_user Goblin_hourly_profit_rec Human_hourly_profit_user Human_hourly_profit_rec Giant_hourly_profit_user Giant_hourly_profit_rec Default_zero_stam Goblin_zero_stam Human_zero_stam Giant_zero_stam
0 1 Abandoned Iron Mine - Mining.1 3 200 250 1113 13732.70 16304.87 21274.839004 25259.671021 33028.941742 39215.347408 21544.619407 25579.981987 20654.127674 24522.698864 14.846275 6.236667 14.660370 23.271111
1 2 Abandoned Iron Mine - Mining.2 3 500 100 1113 12188.25 14125.41 39045.273241 45250.999372 48926.962533 56703.251561 40083.160780 46453.845311 24463.481267 28351.625781 7.179608 3.736667 6.993704 17.437778
2 3 Ahto Farm - Farming.1 2 200 100 702 11028.27 13413.30 42673.882398 51902.754173 50434.161585 61341.310976 43532.644737 52947.236842 25217.080793 30670.655488 5.943922 3.280000 5.826667 15.306667
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
169 170 Weenie Cabin - Gathering.1 2 140 140 1608 9022.60 11337.80 16600.021645 20859.588745 31572.083981 39673.483670 16964.498607 21317.590529 15786.041991 19836.741835 12.501176 4.286667 12.232593 20.004444
170 171 Weita Island - Fish Drying Yard.1 1 2400 1200 1620 14364.32 15288.86 6494.506383 6912.516489 9883.706422 10519.857798 6529.236364 6949.481818 5968.554017 6352.711911 50.870588 21.800000 50.600000 84.233333
171 172 Wolf Hills - Lumbering.1 1 150 100 340 2387.77 2613.70 11310.489474 12380.684211 12445.905405 13623.532819 11444.341420 12527.201183 6222.952703 6811.766409 4.855556 2.877778 4.798765 13.429630

172 rows × 20 columns

# Density plot of time until exhaustion (0 stamina) for each worker type
profit_stamina = pd.melt(profit[["Default_zero_stam", "Goblin_zero_stam",
                                "Human_zero_stam", "Giant_zero_stam", "TYPE"]], id_vars = ['TYPE'])
(ggplot(profit_stamina, aes('value', color = 'variable'))
      + geom_density())


<ggplot: (118053225357)>