Loading packages, initializing data and variables.
# Importing packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
import MySQLdb
# Display settings
pd.options.display.max_rows = 6
# Server connection to MySQL:
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host= "localhost",
x = conn.cursor()
# Importing SQL data
node = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM node;", con = conn)
# Create connection/adjacency matrix weighted with CP costs
cp_connection_matrix = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(node["name"]), len(node["name"]))), index = node["name"], columns = node["name"])
for x, name in zip(node["connections"], node["name"]):
connections = re.split(", ", x)
for connected_nodes in connections:
# Edges going into cities have weight 0 and thus disappear from our graph, but we don't want this to happen
# So we will instead set their weights to a very small value
if (node[node["name"] == connected_nodes]["cp"].values[0] == 0):[name, connected_nodes] = 0.000000001
else:[name, connected_nodes] = node[node["name"] == connected_nodes]["cp"].values[0]
# Import networkx
import networkx as nx
# Create graph
G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(np.matrix(cp_connection_matrix), create_using = nx.DiGraph())
# Add node attributes
node_attributes = node[["name", "cp", "area", "type"]].to_dict('index')
nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_attributes)
### Helper functions
# Takes in list as input (use get_nx_node_id for a single node)
def get_node_id(name):
return([node[node['name'] == x].index[0] for x in name])
def get_node_name(idx):
def get_total_cp(idx):
def get_nx_node_id(name):
return([x for x,y in G.nodes(data=True) if y["name"] == name][0])
# Get the total value of each subnode
subnode_values = pd.read_sql("""
SELECT item_yield.node_name, item_price.subnode_id, item_yield.subnode_name, item_yield.cp,
SUM(item_price.user_average * item_yield.amount) AS subnode_value_user,
SUM(item_price.recent_value * item_yield.amount) AS subnode_value_recent,
SUM(item_price.vendor_sell * item_yield.amount) AS subnode_value_vendor
(SELECT subnode_item.subnode_id,, prices.*
FROM subnode_item JOIN item ON subnode_item.item_id = item.item_id
JOIN prices ON item.item_id = prices.item_id
ORDER BY subnode_item.subnode_id, item.item_id) AS item_price
(SELECT subnode.subnode_id, item.item_id,, yield.amount, AS subnode_name, subnode.cp, AS node_name
FROM subnode JOIN yield ON subnode.subnode_id = yield.subnode_id
JOIN item ON yield.item_id = item.item_id
JOIN node ON subnode.node_id = node.node_id
ORDER BY subnode.subnode_id, item.item_id) AS item_yield
ON item_price.subnode_id = item_yield.subnode_id
AND item_price.item_id = item_yield.item_id
GROUP BY item_price.subnode_id
ORDER BY item_price.subnode_id
""", con = conn)
# Add per CP values
subnode_values["subnode_value_user_per_cp"] = subnode_values["subnode_value_user"] / subnode_values["cp"]
subnode_values["subnode_value_recent_per_cp"] = subnode_values["subnode_value_recent"] / subnode_values["cp"]
# Add subnode values to node graph G
for i in range(subnode_values.shape[0]):
nx.set_node_attributes(G, {i+1000: {"subnode_value_user": subnode_values.loc[i]["subnode_value_user"],
"subnode_value_recent": subnode_values.loc[i]["subnode_value_recent"],
"subnode_value_vendor": subnode_values.loc[i]["subnode_value_vendor"]}})
# Adding subnode ranks based on their value per CP
subnode_values["value_rank"] = subnode_values["subnode_value_user_per_cp"].rank(ascending = False)
subnode_values["recent_rank"] = subnode_values["subnode_value_recent_per_cp"].rank(ascending = False)
K shortest simple paths
K shortest simple paths is a very greedy algorithm that calculates value based on the assumption that players will take all nodes and subnodes in the returned path. This is not realistic because there is a CP softcap in game.
- Calculate some number k shortest simple paths using networkx’s function shortest_simple_paths.
- Find the best value per CP path by:
- Calculating combined value of subnodes for nodes in our path
- Finding the total CP cost from the nodes and subnodes
- Dividing. Ta-da…
- Extend this to work for inputs of more than one path by basically repeating steps (1) and (2) for each (start, end) pair.
import itertools
# Find the k shortest paths using CP costs as edge weights
def k_shortest_paths(G, source, target, k, weight = 'weight'):
return list(itertools.islice(nx.shortest_simple_paths(G, source, target, weight = weight), k))
# k = 20 is arbitrarily chosen, we will tune this later
paths = k_shortest_paths(G, get_node_id(["Calpheon"])[0], get_node_id(["Altinova"])[0], 20)
for path in paths:
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 12, 328, 38, 160, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 230, 109, 78, 318, 332, 176, 38, 160, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 78, 318, 332, 176, 38, 160, 23, 22]
[69, 101, 97, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 12, 328, 38, 160, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 12, 328, 38, 255, 40, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 29, 74, 316, 328, 38, 160, 23, 22]
[69, 101, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 12, 328, 38, 160, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 12, 328, 38, 255, 327, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 12, 208, 332, 176, 38, 160, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 219, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 12, 328, 38, 160, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 298, 28, 29, 74, 316, 328, 38, 160, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 230, 109, 78, 171, 12, 328, 38, 160, 23, 22]
[69, 101, 97, 61, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 12, 328, 38, 160, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 29, 74, 329, 189, 227, 255, 40, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 29, 74, 316, 227, 255, 40, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 29, 74, 329, 189, 227, 255, 327, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 108, 171, 29, 74, 316, 227, 255, 327, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 230, 241, 109, 78, 318, 332, 176, 38, 160, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 230, 109, 78, 318, 332, 208, 12, 328, 38, 160, 23, 22]
[69, 122, 220, 260, 65, 244, 206, 155, 230, 109, 78, 318, 332, 176, 364, 25, 1, 160, 23, 22]
# Works best if you have a lot of CP, because this assumes you will take all subnodes
# Very greedy algorithm, seeks to maximize value per CP along a single path, ignoring potentially better neighboring nodes
def get_best_path(paths, output = False):
Gets the best value per CP path from paths generated by k_shortest_paths
paths: Output generated from k_shortest_paths
Ex. paths = k_shortest_paths(G, get_node_id(["Calpheon"])[0], get_node_id(["Altinova"])[0], 20)
output: Option to print detailed output. Set output = True to see this.
The best value per CP path out of the k paths generated by k_shortest_paths
path_df_list = []
# For each path generated by k_shortest_paths, get a dataframe containing all subnodes connected to nodes in the path
# and then sum all values to get path value and additional CP cost
for path in paths:
path_subnode_values_df = pd.DataFrame()
for node_id in path:
path_subnode_values_df = path_subnode_values_df.append(subnode_values.loc[subnode_values["node_name"] == G.nodes[node_id]["name"]])
# Very messy, just summing up values for each path (naive approach)
path_node_cp = []
path_subnode_cp = []
path_subnode_value_user = []
path_subnode_value_recent = []
path_subnode_value_vendor = []
for path, path_df in zip(paths, path_df_list):
# Element-wise addition of 2 lists
from operator import add
path_values = pd.DataFrame({
"path": paths,
"total_cp": list(map(add, path_node_cp, path_subnode_cp)),
"value_user": path_subnode_value_user,
"value_recent": path_subnode_value_recent,
"value_vendor": path_subnode_value_vendor
# Add value per CP for each path
path_values["value_user_per_cp"] = path_values["value_user"] / path_values["total_cp"]
path_values["value_recent_per_cp"] = path_values["value_recent"] / path_values["total_cp"]
# Get the best path and its subnodes
best_path = path_values.loc[path_values["value_user_per_cp"].idxmax()]["path"]
best_subnodes_df = path_df_list[path_values["value_user_per_cp"].idxmax()]
# Print output if turned on
if output == True:
print("Start: " + get_node_name(best_path[0]) + " | End: " + get_node_name(best_path[len(best_path)-1]))
print("\tNode CP cost: " + str(get_total_cp(best_path)))
print("\tSubnode CP cost: " + str(best_subnodes_df["cp"].sum()))
print("\tTotal CP cost: " + str(get_total_cp(best_path) + best_subnodes_df["cp"].sum()))
print("\tPath value: " + str(best_subnodes_df["subnode_value_user"].sum()))
print("\tPath value per CP: " + str(best_subnodes_df["subnode_value_user"].sum() / (get_total_cp(best_path) + best_subnodes_df["cp"].sum())))
# Returns best path and corresponding subnode dataframe
return(best_path, best_subnodes_df)
# Demonstration of get_best_path
get_best_path(k_shortest_paths(G, get_node_id(["Calpheon"])[0], get_node_id(["Altinova"])[0], 20), output = True)
Start: Calpheon | End: Altinova
Node CP cost: 21
Subnode CP cost: 24
Total CP cost: 45
Path value: 165422.21986860037
Path value per CP: 3676.0493304133415
node_name subnode_id \
162 Oze Pass 163
149 Northern Plain Of Serendia 150
150 Northern Plain Of Serendia 151
.. ... ...
140 Mediah Shore 141
158 Omar Lava Cave 159
159 Omar Lava Cave 160
subnode_name cp subnode_value_user \
162 Oze Pass - Lumbering.1 1 10570.759717
149 Northern Plain Of Serendia - Gathering.1 1 2826.930099
150 Northern Plain Of Serendia - Lumbering.2 1 6183.050148
.. ... .. ...
140 Mediah Shore - Mining.1 3 10792.679879
158 Omar Lava Cave - Mining.1 3 14428.530141
159 Omar Lava Cave - Mining.2 3 15385.450207
subnode_value_recent subnode_value_vendor subnode_value_user_per_cp \
162 13332.749623 1626.549969 10570.759717
149 3481.250122 261.510009 2826.930099
150 6242.200157 1148.250031 6183.050148
.. ... ... ...
140 11103.299851 1932.789973 3597.559960
158 38878.100433 2127.240011 4809.510047
159 44988.250780 2707.420044 5128.483402
subnode_value_recent_per_cp value_rank recent_rank
162 13332.749623 67.0 68.0
149 3481.250122 178.0 175.0
150 6242.200157 91.0 128.0
.. ... ... ...
140 3701.099950 160.0 170.0
158 12959.366811 126.0 73.0
159 14996.083593 117.0 55.0
[12 rows x 11 columns])
def optimize_paths(locations, output = False):
Extension of the get_best_path function. Can take multiple start and end location pairings and will combine results into
one final path removing duplicates.
locations: Pairings of start and end locations. They should both be main nodes.
Ex. [("Calpheon", "Altinova"), ("Calpheon", "Heidel"), ("Heidel", "Velia")]
output: Option to print detailed output. Set output = True to see this.
One master path that connects all location pairings given as input.
master_path_df = pd.DataFrame()
master_path = []
for path_location in locations:
path, path_df = get_best_path(k_shortest_paths(G, get_node_id([path_location[0]])[0], get_node_id([path_location[1]])[0], 20), output = output)
master_path_df = pd.concat([master_path_df, path_df])
if output == True:
# Print a line for cleaner output
# Output
if output == True:
print("Combining paths...")
master_path = list(dict.fromkeys(itertools.chain(*master_path)))
print("Cleaning subnode dataframes...")
master_path_df = master_path_df.drop_duplicates()
print("Node CP: " + str(get_total_cp(master_path)))
print("Subnode CP: " + str(master_path_df["cp"].sum()))
print("Total CP: " + str(get_total_cp(master_path) + master_path_df["cp"].sum()))
print("Total value: " + str(master_path_df["subnode_value_user"].sum()))
print("Value per CP: " + str(master_path_df["subnode_value_user"].sum() / (get_total_cp(master_path) + master_path_df["cp"].sum())))
# Demonstration of optimize_paths
optimize_paths([("Calpheon", "Altinova"), ("Calpheon", "Heidel"), ("Heidel", "Velia")], output = True)
Start: Calpheon | End: Altinova
Node CP cost: 21
Subnode CP cost: 24
Total CP cost: 45
Path value: 165422.21986860037
Path value per CP: 3676.0493304133415
Start: Calpheon | End: Heidel
Node CP cost: 7
Subnode CP cost: 5
Total CP cost: 12
Path value: 42284.31983745098
Path value per CP: 3523.693319787582
Start: Heidel | End: Velia
Node CP cost: 13
Subnode CP cost: 9
Total CP cost: 22
Path value: 71020.9696764946
Path value per CP: 3228.225894386118
Combining paths...
Cleaning subnode dataframes...
Node CP: 33
Subnode CP: 31
Total CP: 64
Total value: 213739.60967189074
Value per CP: 3339.6814011232927